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Смотреть Видео с канала "RealLifeLore"

1. Why Russia Might Invade Georgia (Again)
2. How Geography Is Pushing India & China To War
3. Why Kazakhstan Is Insanely Empty
4. The 12 New Countries That Might Exist Soon
5. How Nato & Russia Are Preparing To Fight Total War
6. Why Yemen Is Dying & Oman Is Booming
7. Why Egypt's New Capital Is Bankrupting The Country
8. Why France Is Actually Preparing For War With Russia
9. How The Russian Navy Lost To A Country Without Any Boats
10. Why 5 Million People Live In America’s Hottest City
11. Why Sudan Is Dying
12. Why Norway Is Becoming The World's Richest Country
13. Why The Panama Canal Is Dying
14. How Europe’s Next War Could Start In The Balkans
15. How Yemen Is Wrecking The Entire Global Economy
16. Why Venezuela Is Preparing To Conquer Guyana
17. Why Haiti Is Dying & The Dr Is Booming
18. How The Us & Iran Are Preparing To Fight Over Israel
19. Why Ethiopia Is Preparing To Invade Eritrea Next
20. Why Israel Was Attacked From Gaza
21. Why The International Date Line Looks So Stupid
22. Why America's North Is Emptier Than Canada's South
23. How The Us & China Are Preparing To Fight Total War
24. How Taiwan Will Stop China's Invasion
25. Why North Korea Is Preparing To Attack Ukraine Next
26. Why Nato’s Biggest Internal Problem Is Turkey
27. How The Us Conquered Hawaii & Made It 91% Empty
28. Why Russia Isn't Actually Collapsing
29. Why 82% Of Saudi Arabians Just Live In These Lines
30. How North Korea Finally Made It Impossible To Escape
31. How Ukraine Is Breaking Through Russia's Naval Blockade
32. Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem
33. Why China Is Shrinking Very Fast
34. Why The Destruction Of This Dam Is Breaking Ukraine
35. Why The Middle East’s Borders Guarantee Forever Wars
36. Why 99.7% Of Mongolia Is Completely Empty
37. Why Texas Is Becoming America's Most Powerful State
38. Why Iran Is Also Attacking Ukraine Now
39. Why Every Country Has Military Bases In Djibouti
40. Why Wyoming Is Vastly Emptier Than Colorado
41. Why The Americas Still Aren't Connected By A Road
42. Why 80% Of New Zealand Is Empty
43. Why This Circle Could Spark Africa’s Biggest War
44. Why Ukraine Re-Taking Crimea Will Destroy Russia
45. Why Russia's Biggest Threat Is Actually China
46. Why 82% Of Mexico Is Empty
47. How Satellite Images Reveal What’s Happening In Ukraine
48. Why Nobody Can Stop North Korea
49. Why Belarus Might Invade Ukraine Too
50. Why 97% Of Namibia Is Empty
51. Why Turkey Is Preparing To Invade Syria (Again)
52. Why You Can’t Measure The Coastline Of Britain
53. Why Visiting This Lost Island Will Kill You
54. How Qatar Became The World's Most Op Country
55. Why Finland Joining Nato Checkmates Russia
56. Why Most Indians Live Above This Line
57. Why Russia Destroyed The World's 4Th Biggest Lake
58. How War In Ukraine Is Destroying Russia
59. How Libya Built Brand-New Rivers Across The Sahara
60. Why Azerbaijan Will Keep Attacking Armenia
61. The Big Trouble If Dc Becomes The 51St State
62. Germany’s Catastrophic Russia Problem
63. Why Ireland Has Fewer People Than 200 Years Ago
64. Why 80% Of Americans Live East Of This Line
65. Why China Is Demanding These Japanese Islands
66. How Geography Made The Us Ridiculously Op
67. Why There's A Cia Base In The Center Of Australia
68. South Africa’s Catastrophic Water Problem
69. Why This Tiny Island Has More People Than Russia
70. China's Catastrophic Oil & Gas Problem
71. How Las Vegas Exists In America's Driest Desert
72. How Canada Just Got A Land-Border With Denmark
73. What's Hidden Under The Ice Of Greenland?
74. Why War In Ukraine Is Causing Apocalyptic Famine
75. Why California Is Running Out Of Water
76. Why Does Russia Own This Old Piece Of Germany?
77. Why California High Speed Rail Is Struggling (Re-Upload)
78. Why 95% Of Australia Is Empty
79. Russia's Catastrophic Oil & Gas Problem
80. Why China Is Killing Asia's 3Rd Longest River
81. Why 70% Of Spain Is Empty
82. Will China Invade Taiwan Next?
83. Why Ghana Deliberately Flooded 3.5% Of Their Land
84. Why The Ukraine No-Fly Zone Won't Ever Happen
85. Why Russia Is Fighting Japan Over These Islands
86. How Putin's Invasion Is Changing Our World Forever
87. Why 1/3Rd Of France Is Almost Empty
88. How Pirates, Rebels & Insurgents Make Money
89. How Much Land Did Europeans Really Discover?
90. Why Russia Is Invading Ukraine
91. Why The New Space Race Is More Insane Than Ever
92. How Maps Lie To You
93. Why Nobody Wants This Part Of Europe
94. How 1 Photo From Space Explains All Of History
95. Why Indonesia Is Moving Their Capital City
96. Why Most Humans Live Inside This Small Circle
97. The Insane Transportation Of A 17-Ton Magnet
98. Why Anchorage Is America's Most Op City
99. Why Belarus Is Constantly Attacking Europe
100. Why Japan Is Shrinking Fast
101. Why Iraq Is Dying
102. Why Venice Is Europe’s Worst Placed City
103. Why France Is Secretly The World's 5Th Biggest Country
104. What If You Were Stranded On The World's Most Remote Island?
105. Portugal’s Insane Plan To Double Its Territory
106. Why 94% Of China Lives East Of This Line
107. The 15 Countries People Think Are Fake
108. Why Blocking This Strait Will Start Ww3
109. Why Nobody Knows The World’s Longest River
110. Why New Orleans' Geography Sucks
111. Why Nobody Wants This Part Of Africa
112. Why North Korea Is The Hardest Country To Escape
113. Why Mexico City's Geography Sucks
114. What If The 1908 Tunguska Asteroid Hit Earth Today?
115. Why Afghanistan Is Impossible To Conquer
116. Why 50% Of Canadians Live South Of This Line
117. What If You Were Stranded In The Sahara Alone?
118. What If We Covered The Sahara With Solar Panels?
119. How A Dome Makes Israel Almost Invulnerable
120. Why Turkey Is Transforming Istanbul Into An Island
121. How 100,000 Satellites Will Change Earth Forever By 2040
122. How The Us East Coast Lost Half It's Oil To 1 Hacker
123. Why Climate Change Will Make Russia A Superpower Again
124. What Happens If Yellowstone Blows Up Tomorrow?
125. What Made Haiti's Earthquake The Deadliest This Century?
126. The Insane Acceleration Of Top Fuel Dragsters Visualized
127. The Insane Complexity Of The India/Bangladesh Border
128. Why The World's Biggest Ship Is An Awful Idea
129. How 1 Boat Caused A $400 Million An Hour Traffic Jam
130. Countries With Way Fewer People Than You Think
131. The Problem With The Middle East's Borders
132. How America's Chernobyl Could Be Happening On This Island
133. Why Taiwan "Sorta" Claims Mongolia And More
134. China's Insane Plan To Dig A Canal Across The Balkans
135. The World's Helium Problem: When Will We Run Out?
136. How Europe's Greatest Warship Was Destroyed By A Breeze
137. Elon Musk's Insane Idea To Get 1 Million People On Mars By 2050
138. That Time When Kazakhstan Was The Entire Ussr For 4 Days
139. Africa's Desert Problem: How To Stop The Sahara
140. The World's Strangest Borders Pt 6: Wacky Us States
141. The Bizarre Way We'll Keep Track Of Time On Mars
142. The World's Most Restricted Airspaces You'll Never Fly Over
143. The Pacific Ocean Is Vastly Bigger Than You Think
144. What Landing At The World's Most Dangerous Airport Is Like
145. Why 4, 13, 17, 39 & 666 Are The World's Spookiest Numbers
146. The Bizarre 300 Year Adventure Of Oliver Cromwell's Head
147. Why There Are No Flights Between East Asia & South America
148. The Insane Logistics Of Transporting The Biggest Object In History
149. Every Country England Has Invaded: Visualized
150. What If Chile Was Waaaaaay Longer??
151. The Insane Dutch Plan To Dam The North Sea
152. Why South America's Geography Is Way Weirder Than You Think
153. The Insane Scale Of Jeff Bezos' Wealth Visualized
154. Why Planes Don't Fly Over Tibet
155. What Every Country In Europe Is Worst At (Part 2)
156. What Every Country In Europe Is Worst At Part 1
157. Why Everest Isn't Earth’s Highest Mountain... Sorta
158. If You Get Stranded In The Past, How To Tell What Year You’re In
159. The Insane Plan To Build A Europe To Africa Tunnel
160. The Man Who Survived For 18 Months On An Island After His Submarine Sank
161. How To Safely Cross A Piranha Infested River
162. Why A Single Little Spot Makes Driving Across "America" Impossible
163. Why Making Fun Of This Guy Can Get You Life In Prison
164. The World's Strangest Borders Part 5: Divided Islands
165. Russia's Alcohol Problem
166. The Insane Plan To Build A Harbor In Alaska With Nukes
167. How Earth’s Geography Will Change With Climate Change
168. Why Pakistan's Geography Sucks
169. The Insane Chinese Plan To Build A Canal Across Nicaragua
170. What Would Happen If Korea United Into 1 Country?
171. The Black Death: Worst Pandemic In History Visualized
172. What If Every Country Ending In "Stan" United?
173. Europe's Unexploded Bomb Problem
174. How Italy's Geography Got Badly Nerfed
175. Why The Speed Of Light Is Actually Horribly Slow
176. Countries That Are Way Bigger Than You Think
177. Lightning Blew Up This Plane. Here’s How 1 Survived The Fall
178. What's The Biggest Number That You Could Count To?
179. The Insane Plan To Tow An Iceberg To The Middle East
180. Who Is The Loneliest Person To Ever Exist?
181. A Plane's Roof Blew Off At 24,000 Feet. Here's What Happened Next
182. Why Poland's Geography Is The Worst
183. What Life Under China's Social Credit System Could Be Like
184. How 1 Guy Survived At The Bottom Of The Ocean For 3 Days... Alone
185. That Time When Ups Overnight Shipped A Whale In The Mail
186. Why France's Geography Is Almost Perfect
187. Here's How Google Maps Is Different In Other Countries
188. What's The Highest Distance You Can Possibly Fall From?
189. New Channel Announcement: Rll2
190. The World's Strangest Borders Part 4: Ocean Madness
191. What If The Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Hit Earth Today?
192. The Insane American Plan To Invade Japan In 1945
193. How A Single Math Error Caused A $500 Million Satellite To Crash
194. 2 Airplanes Almost Collided At 37,000 Feet. Here's What Happened Next
195. Why Japan's Geography Sucks
196. The 8-Year Long Worst Traffic Jam In History
197. What If Earth Started Rotating Backwards Right Now?
198. The Deadliest Island In The World: Snake Island Explained
199. I Made A Toyota Corolla Review...
200. Why Iran's Geography Sucks

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